After last week, I did sort of go away agreeing with this statement or argument of how "hegemony" is this magic word. It does seem to be this reoccurring theme that can be applied to endless amount of things. I would say, however, that it is one of my week points in understanding. I feel that I understand the concept, but it's so damn abstract. So, I think I'll try to avoid it.
As far as bars and TV go, I actually the idea of bars without TV. I think both types should exist. With and without, I think they both serve a purpose. Sports bars with the big game on the screen do make a sense of community as everyone there is rooting for the same team. However, the discussion that forms within old school taverns, and the relationships that form between "regulars" is something that shouldn't be violated. It's kind of like Cheers. Only without the cheesiness. It's all good though. So, let's just be friends, forget about television for a week and sit back and have a few beers. How about it Epley? Let's bring a couple cases of good beer to class and and just relax for a couple hours...
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