Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Quality Television

What is quality television? This is what we talked about all class this week, but I don't believe I ever got a clear picture for myself. I think that quality television is as hard to define as what is considered popular. Epley said that quality television usually has reoccurring actors or actresses. I don't know if I can go with that either. I like to think that the television I watch is fairly quality. Half of our class would totally disagree with that statement I am sure. There is nothing wrong with watching The Hills because there is something that people can learn from it. I will give you a list of the things that I have learned from The Hills just to prove that you can learn it goes:
1. Don't date men that have dread locks and disregard general hygiene practices.
2. If your boss offers you a trip to Paris for work don't say no just so you can spend the summer with a guy.
3. Most men that live in California are scum...STAY AWAY!
Okay so there I made it pretty clear that The Hills probably isn't really quality. But what shows really teach people anything? I know that there are shows for little kids that teach them colors and the history channel might teach you something useful, but other then that what really gives you the "quality" that everyone is talking about? I personally think that there isn't one show that everyone can decide on and say is quality. It is an opinion that will vary person to person. We will probably never know what real quality television is because no one will ever be able to agree on it.

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