Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Amazing Star Wars Lightsaber Fight

Crazy fan culture. These guys demonstrate their Star Wars skills with a 5:00 minute long video to show their dedication to Star Wars. From what I know, Star Wars probably has one of the biggest fan cultures out there and fans show their appreciation through conventions, fan made videos, and countless other endeavors that they engage in. Some take it to the extreme and dress the part, others use their film producing capabilities and make fan videos like the one posted above. I guess there's nothing wrong with that if you're really passionate about it. You'll have your followers of certain shows or sports teams, and it'll depend on the person to how extreme they take their fandom. The question is, do some people take it too far? If they do, how far is too far? How about naming your kid after Luke Skywalker. Are conventions too far? I don't know because i've never been to one, some might think it is. Even the videos, are these people living in a fantasy world of their own? For me, it's probably a little too far when you name your kid after a fictional character. I cant' really comment on the conventions since I don't really know what they're about. Fans will be fans, and they'll express their appreciation any way they can.

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