Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Neo-Liberalism and Makeover Shows...when did this class turn in to "The Soup"

Honestly, the whole time the in class discussion was going on, I couldn't help but think how great of a script this would make for a new show on E!...hosted by Joel McHale. First off, starting with the cornucopia of ridiculous known as neo-liberalism...how in the fuck does Uncle Sam rationalize in his mind that we the people are better off paying $4.00 for both a gallon of gas and a gallon of milk. If this is a glimpse into the future I see us inevitably arriving in a world where we roam the countryside in our beat up and outdated vehicles, raiding villages for the necessities that we can no longer afford. Yes, I realize that this is somewhat of an over-exaggerated idea that will more than likely never happen...there is still a chance. So this is what I am going to propose...to counteract the gas prices, the government needs to push Toyota to make the Prius cool. I know, I know, it doesn't relate to television, but if the government pushes people who are making un-cool things to add a little bad-assness we will all be better off. I remember seeing an episode of Made where the lead singer for this band Attila who wanted to become a model. This guy was built like me...was all scruffy and had gauged ears, probably about 7/8". Anyways, he went on Made and instead of making him lose all of his uniqueness, they actually allowed him to be himself. They just cleaned him up a bit. I believe he got surgery on his ears which runs about $600 for the pair simply because they are not desirable in the fashion world.  The point of all this? This person is STILL the lead singer for his band and is still the same person he once was. He may attempt to pass as a high cultured citizen but he didn't lose all of his cultural capital within the music scene for "selling out"...


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