Not just for women, the Food channel accommodates to men as well. I made an emphasis to bring this up in my presentation, showing that it's not just women's TV. The food channel retains the feminism, but also can have an effect on men as well. I think it's a great hybrid network that combines convenience, humor, and diversity all in one. I have slowly become more and more addicted to the Food channel as I've begun to make it apart of my daily schedule the last two weeks. Women still get the ideas for quick and easy dinners, gourmet dishes, and tips from decorated chefs. Men get the eye candy of Giada and Sandra Lee, not to mention an appetite from all the diverse foods. Rachel Ray brings it home with quick ideas for easy dinners and lunches, while Emeril hosts his live TV show with humor. One of these days i'll get crazy and attempt to emulate one of their dishes. As the "Working Woman" came into her own, a network like the Food network makes perfect sense in our crazy daily lives.
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