Monday, May 5, 2008

Sesame Street 1972

I'm almost offended by last weeks reading and how people could think Sesame Street is bad for their children. They compare it to Mister Roger's Neighborhood and explain the differences that make "Mister Rogers" a better choice for youngins. What would you rather watch as a child, Sesame Street or Mister Rogers? I covered some research about Sesame Street in Media Processes and Effects and it shows through two studies that Sesame Street is an effective television show for kids 3-5 and helps them learn before they attend school. Their ability to pick up numbers, and the alphabet were higher than those who didn't watch Sesame Street. Isn't that rewarding considering your child can enhance their cognitive learning before they set foot in school? The big picture is that a child's viewing habits can effect them in so many ways. Whether they watch educational programming, violence, or cartoons, it's going to have a lasting effect on their actions and attitudes. A lot of it will come down to the parents and how proactive they are in their childrens lives to monitor how much TV they watch and what they're watching.

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