Saturday, January 26, 2008

Reality Bagel Bites

After a short discussion several days back, a friend and I came to the conclusion that Bagel Bites aren't really that good. They are, perhaps, even bad, but they are still, for most, undeniably enjoyable. Whether enjoyable back in the day because you and your friends that were staying the night got to eat something out of a bright and colorful box just like on TV or nowadays because of the simple nostalgia for those bygone sleep-overs, the enjoyment doesn't come from the quality of the Bagel Bite but from the act of eating a Bagel Bite.

TV shows/sports have become the center of our society. For a conversation to stray away from such topics without being somewhat awkward generally requires the conversation's participants to be more than casual friends. Because the decline in pricing has allowed for, and the incredible increase in programming (with everyone now wanting to watch something different) has given rise to multiple-TV homes, watching TV isn't the same let's-sit-in-the-same-room type of communal activity that is used to be. However, it's still communal because the majority watches and then the majority talks about it, and if you're not watching then you can't join the conversation.

Like Bagel Bites, it's not really about the quality but the act, thereby allowing you to join the conversation.

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