Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The most obvious blog post ever...TV history relates to TV today...

Ya know…I spend all weekend trying to find an intelligent connection between the history of radio and television and to be honest, I still can’t. Whenever I hear about the history of radio and television (or anything for that matter) I just think about the ways in which we are both different and equal to the past. The main things I notice are the (in my opinion) stupid mistakes that those in the broadcast services have made in the past and how these mistakes will soon repeat themselves. One mistake that I see as simple racial insensitivity is Beullah (sp.) due to the fact that the main character was a false representation of an African American person. In my initial viewing of this show I was outraged that the writers of this program would allow these things to be broadcast over the air…but as the show went on I began to think about today’s broadcast media and the various racial representations that are being made. The main player of these false representations is the one and only Carlos Mencia. The main part of this show that pisses me off is the fact that he can hate on other races with words such as “beaner” is simply because he is a minority. If this man were white he would be thrown off the air in no time.

Clearly the history of television has a major impact on the television that we view today. But the main involvement of this history lies in the main developments of technology. When I think about the original broadcast companies buying up airspace I see a main connection to cellular communication corporations purching the airspace that recently went up for auction. Throughout history companies have been buying out the “little guy” and people to follow constantly bitch about how bad it is that companies did this. The only words that come to mind now are “wake up, and get a fucking clue!”. This idea of companies purchasing the rights of the little guy will go on until the end of time…

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