Sunday, January 27, 2008

Dearest Radio...

I need to be honest with you, radio. I think we should see other people.

Recently, I’ve come to the realization that, I don’t really like you like I used to. I don’t like listening to you, I don’t like talking about you, and I don’t like trying to think up creative little quips about you every time I reference you in class blogs. Lately, when you come up in conversation, my mind wanders to other forms of media. I can’t help it…I just need something more. Honestly, I just don’t feel that same connection we used to have. I feel guilty for doing this, but I’ve been going through some really confusing times lately regarding technology and my time. Seriously, it’s not you…it’s me.

You’re great...really. You’ve been doing what you do for a really long time now and you’ve gotten really good at it. But I’m getting bored with the same old thing, radio. I just think it’s time for both of us to stop pretending that we care about each other so much and move on with our lives.

We had some good times though, right? Long drives home…hot days of working construction…hell, for seven years you were the first thing I woke up to every morning. It was a good ride, wasn’t it…

I just want to make sure there are no hard feelings here. I’ll miss you a lot and I really want us to stay friends. You know…I’ll listen to you if you’re around…but I don’t feel I can really put 100% into our relationship right now. I wish you the best and I hope you understand.

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