Friday, January 18, 2008

Reality bites

I think what sucks most about TV today is Reality TV but also getting the essentials to actually WATCH TV. First of all, I could flip through my extended basic TV package from Mediacom and count AT LEAST 5 shows that are reality TV currently on. Not only are they taking up TV time for better shows, but they are completely annoying. I could care less about a group of high school chicks from Laguna Beach that are having relationship problems. And I could care less if you're trying to find true love from a group of chicks/dudes that only want your money. So what sucks is that our society cares too much about other peoples lives and not their own. Quit trying to make an acting career out of reality TV.

The other thing I think sucks about TV is getting the essentials to watch what you want to watch. I sit here and look at our cable bill and see that we pay $50 for extended basic cable, $13 for extended family, $15 for digital 2-star (Starz, Showtime, TMC) and another $50 for internet per month. Add more for HBO and Cinemax. That's almost $80 for TV. $80 for stuff that I hardly watch and could care less about. Where is the package for the stuff that I only watch? Lets keep going with this. What if I want to watch sports, movies, or the discovery channel in HD? Tack on another $9.99 for HD from your provider and more money for installation and the HD box from your provider. Oh you forgot the HDTV you need to buy that costs $1000+. I bought a '50 HDTV last summer and can't even get an HD box because Mediacom has them on a 3-month+ waiting list. Cool. Until we get our box, the only use I get from HD is from my Xbox 360. Throw in additional money if you want a cable box for each TV.

So how do we change this? Quit watching reality TV so they get terrible ratings and eventually cancelled? I know that people are obsessed with reality TV and honestly don't know how we can change to a new genre yet. As far as the cable TV packages go, there should be an option to choose what channels you want to receive. I think I watch about 5 out of the total 70 we are given. Promotional deals help the cause, but cable providers should throw in more perks like boxes, HD, and installation for free.

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