Monday, February 11, 2008

Give It Up

Excuse me while I browse for an original thought. Sometimes these blogs are just so damn difficult to write when I have to come up with something all on my own. I mean, I can’t just read someone’s blog from Week 1 and say to myself, “Hey…I bet I could take that same idea and make it better.” That would be ridiculous. Plus, why would I waste time or my own creative prowess in writing about an idea that has already been conveyed. It’s just plain silly.

So you can imagine my discontent when I heard Knight Rider was making a comeback. Really…is that what we need? More remakes of shows that David Hasselhoff was starring in? That guy is so full of himself I heard he used to pay Pamela Anderson to watch him run down the beach. Have we really stooped so low that we are remaking shows that sucked to begin with? It was only on through four seasons with its last season being 1986. I was around in 1986. That means they aren’t even abiding by the 30-year rule anymore. And just when I thought television had started to turn things around…

Don’t think it stops with Knight Rider. Have you seen the spin-off, remake trash we’re tuning into these days? The top shows are American Gladiators (1989), American Idol (No. 7), The Biggest Loser (No. 5), The Apprentice (No. 7), Rock of Love 2, Flavor of Love 3, The Terminator (really…still playing that card?), and Deal or No Deal, a show that was stolen from late-night Euro-trash television. Is nobody taking notes? Television (and film) that gets its material from recycled garbage isn’t winning any awards. Shows with original ideas are winning Emmys…not flashy game shows with washed-up comedians. So please…writers…when you come back…can you put a clause in that contract that agrees to stop making us watch this shit? I swear…sometimes I’m rooting for an Epley reading.

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