Friday, February 15, 2008


So, hokay. There is this thing that everyone ought to have a chance to experience and we should totally give it to them if they can pay for it. I’m so totally serious that I feel like God in a way, you know what I mean? I’m just such a giver (and taker if they can’t cover the cost). We will set up as much of a monopoly as we can so that not a single human being can imagine a world without television and a television without us at the helm. You may all praise me now if you wish, I am, in fact, the smartest man alive.

Sweet, that was my brief overview of what the people in charge (back in the time frame of the reading) would talk like if they were A) from group X and B) talking about themselves as honestly as possible. We’ve been given a sweet relaxation device, but we’ve been given a million different other things with it, most are not so hot.

Utopian dreams are possibly my favorite thing to daydream about, their at least in the top five. However, the idea of TV bringing the world together was most likely never really believed past the typical dream world of someone like Marconi from way back in reading number one. Even he was, I’m sure, not really a romantic thinker. What happened to the people was that television became like McDonalds (I will be inserting McDonalds wherever there is a possibility of using the word crack). People were hooked. They fought for television to be brought to them and for the government to work to their better interests of being entertained and groomed to be consumers, the second part was a little less obvious at the time I’m sure, but it was there.

It really McDonalds me up to think about how much television and any related medium has been effectively marketed and protected by both those distributing and consuming the products, that it is a “right” to view television. Really it is a right to view and without the give and take of “the system” (that is the end of my use of non-visual quote fingers for this blog I swear) we wouldn’t have the freedom to consume both creative shit being broadcast or all the commercials that create intervals in the viewing of said creative shit. Thanks greedy marketers from the past, we owe you our livelihood, without it we would be reading books, and I don’t even want to imagine a world like that.

Book recommendation for this blog: Tin God by Terese Svoboda
I just returned it, I promise it’s in.

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